Today as soon as I got Madison up from her nap she informed me that she wanted to play, which is a daily occurance in our house. However, when we got out to the living room she got distracted by the crackers I was munching on. Once she had eaten her fill of crackers she looked at me and said "Mommy I forgot to play!"
What cute things have your kids said?
Sunday, February 21, 2010
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Why I Love My Daughter
These past few days I have been filled with a feeling of gratitude. I read a list of blogs frequently and most of them are about children who are facing heart problems, cancer, or some other life altering disease. A friend of mine told me about one of the blogs and from there I have seen other ones mentioned and went to check them out and the cycle repeated. As I read them I am overcome with gratitiude that I have a healthy, wonderful little girl.
Madison is quickly changing from a baby into a little girl and is soooo much like her mommy that it's crazy. If you look at pictures of me at her age next to the ones of her you would think they are both of the same girl. She is such a sweet, smart, beautiful little girl. I love that she loves to read or have books read to her, just like I did/do. I love how much of princess she is. She loves to wear necklaces and bracelets, whenever she sees me putting on make-up she needs mommy to (pretend) put some on her, and if I put any body spray on she needs a spray on too. She also won't leave the house without her purse filled with a few toys of the day. I love how she loves to cook anytime we let her. I love how adorable she is when she is sleeping or has just woken up. I love when she brings over her favorite yellow blankie to me and says "hold me mommy" and crawls up in my lap to snuggle. I love her giggle as I tickle her tummy or the smile she gives you when she knows she's been caught being naughty. The bottom line is that I love my little girl with all my heart .
Madison is quickly changing from a baby into a little girl and is soooo much like her mommy that it's crazy. If you look at pictures of me at her age next to the ones of her you would think they are both of the same girl. She is such a sweet, smart, beautiful little girl. I love that she loves to read or have books read to her, just like I did/do. I love how much of princess she is. She loves to wear necklaces and bracelets, whenever she sees me putting on make-up she needs mommy to (pretend) put some on her, and if I put any body spray on she needs a spray on too. She also won't leave the house without her purse filled with a few toys of the day. I love how she loves to cook anytime we let her. I love how adorable she is when she is sleeping or has just woken up. I love when she brings over her favorite yellow blankie to me and says "hold me mommy" and crawls up in my lap to snuggle. I love her giggle as I tickle her tummy or the smile she gives you when she knows she's been caught being naughty. The bottom line is that I love my little girl with all my heart .
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
Mommy & Madison Shopping
Today I had a wonderful time going shopping with Madison. After a quick eye appointment for her, we were off to the mall. She had so much fun looking at everything and helping mommy decide what we needed to buy. We got a super cute dress for Easter that is white with big light purple polka dots and matching purple lacy socks. We got some T-shirts for this spring and summer, a cute white shirt with pink flowers and pink capri leggings with rhinestones, an aqua and white striped sweater, a few clearance sweaters for next winter, and an outfit for my cousins soon to arrive little boy Gavin. Then as we were checking out Madison ran off for a second and returned with an aqua swim suit with white polka dots and informed me that she NEEDED this. I have to admit I love it and probably would have grabbed it myself had I seen it, so I added it to our pile while telling my daughter that she is very very spoiled. But at least the girl has good taste! All in all we had a wonderful mommy-daughter shopping trip...something tells me we will have many more to come!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Little Miss Madison's Birth Story
I had so much fun linking up to Mama M ( a few weeks ago I thought I would try it again. And what better story to share then the story of the best gift I ever received.
Ok, so before we get to the good stuff there is some background info that you need to know. In March of 2007 I had been having tons of horrible back pain but kept blowing it off because I have 2 herniated discs that act up sometimes. On March 15th I called my mom because the pain was out of control and I knew I needed to go to the ER to have it checked out to see if things had gotten worse and get some pain medicine. Before they could give one of the medicines they told me they needed to run a pregnancy test and I quickly waived them off and said go ahead, there's no chance there's a baby in there. I had an ovary removed in August (after years of ovarian cysts) and was on some medication to shut down my ovaries for a while to let the remaining one rest for a while and hopefully learn how to function without producing cysts. I was also on birth control since my husband and I had only been married for 6 months and wanted/needed to wait a little longer to start a family. So I was convinced there was NO chance that I was pregnant. When the nurse came back and told me surprise you are pregnant, I think the entire ER heard me yell "What? No I'm not!" and my mom tell them they better check again. We spent the rest of the ER visit repeating "Oh my God" or "Is this some sort of joke?" Later when we met up with my husband and father, I told them and they had similar reactions.
The next day (our 6 month anniversary) we went to an appointment with my OB and after talking figured I was maybe 6 weeks or so but he wanted me to have an ultrasound to confirm our best guess. He warned me that all we would see would be a little blob, if anything at that point, so we weren't expecting much. But once again we were in for a big surprise. The ultrasound tech turned on the equipment and insead of this little blob we saw a full grown baby. Not actually full grown, but big enough that she looked like a full grown baby to us. So based on the ultrasound alone they estimated that I was already 4 months along. So not only am I pregnant but I am also almost half way done with the pregnancy?!? I was just in a huge state of shock and could hardly breathe at this point. Making it even more unbelievable is that had we not went in to the ER that day I wouldn't have noticed anything different for at least another 2 months. I could have ended up on that show I didn't know I was pregnant!
On the the good stuff. I had a rough last few months where I was throwing up tons (I guess it was payback for no morning sickness earlier) and needing to go to the hospital for fluids and anti-nausea meds. I was also having spells where my blood pressure would just drop with little to no notice and I would pass out so I was on modified bed rest. As we approached 36 weeks, my blood pressure started to climb and I had to be admitted to the hospital for it a few times. I was in to see my doctor every 2 days and each time I left his office I had stricter guidelines to my bedrest...stay sitting or laying on the couch or bed most of the day, stay laying down most of the day, until finally stay on your left side at all times. When I went in for my 38 week appointment my blood pressure was again elevated so they had me lay on the left side in the office for 15 minutes since that had always brought it down in the past. This time it didn't work so my doctor came in and asked how we felt about 7:30 that night. This was at about 11:30 so they sent us over to L&D to hang out and be monitered until he could do the C-Section. Because I was passing out at random, they were concerned that I would pass out if I tried pushing so I was a planned c-section.

Ok, so before we get to the good stuff there is some background info that you need to know. In March of 2007 I had been having tons of horrible back pain but kept blowing it off because I have 2 herniated discs that act up sometimes. On March 15th I called my mom because the pain was out of control and I knew I needed to go to the ER to have it checked out to see if things had gotten worse and get some pain medicine. Before they could give one of the medicines they told me they needed to run a pregnancy test and I quickly waived them off and said go ahead, there's no chance there's a baby in there. I had an ovary removed in August (after years of ovarian cysts) and was on some medication to shut down my ovaries for a while to let the remaining one rest for a while and hopefully learn how to function without producing cysts. I was also on birth control since my husband and I had only been married for 6 months and wanted/needed to wait a little longer to start a family. So I was convinced there was NO chance that I was pregnant. When the nurse came back and told me surprise you are pregnant, I think the entire ER heard me yell "What? No I'm not!" and my mom tell them they better check again. We spent the rest of the ER visit repeating "Oh my God" or "Is this some sort of joke?" Later when we met up with my husband and father, I told them and they had similar reactions.
The next day (our 6 month anniversary) we went to an appointment with my OB and after talking figured I was maybe 6 weeks or so but he wanted me to have an ultrasound to confirm our best guess. He warned me that all we would see would be a little blob, if anything at that point, so we weren't expecting much. But once again we were in for a big surprise. The ultrasound tech turned on the equipment and insead of this little blob we saw a full grown baby. Not actually full grown, but big enough that she looked like a full grown baby to us. So based on the ultrasound alone they estimated that I was already 4 months along. So not only am I pregnant but I am also almost half way done with the pregnancy?!? I was just in a huge state of shock and could hardly breathe at this point. Making it even more unbelievable is that had we not went in to the ER that day I wouldn't have noticed anything different for at least another 2 months. I could have ended up on that show I didn't know I was pregnant!
On the the good stuff. I had a rough last few months where I was throwing up tons (I guess it was payback for no morning sickness earlier) and needing to go to the hospital for fluids and anti-nausea meds. I was also having spells where my blood pressure would just drop with little to no notice and I would pass out so I was on modified bed rest. As we approached 36 weeks, my blood pressure started to climb and I had to be admitted to the hospital for it a few times. I was in to see my doctor every 2 days and each time I left his office I had stricter guidelines to my bedrest...stay sitting or laying on the couch or bed most of the day, stay laying down most of the day, until finally stay on your left side at all times. When I went in for my 38 week appointment my blood pressure was again elevated so they had me lay on the left side in the office for 15 minutes since that had always brought it down in the past. This time it didn't work so my doctor came in and asked how we felt about 7:30 that night. This was at about 11:30 so they sent us over to L&D to hang out and be monitered until he could do the C-Section. Because I was passing out at random, they were concerned that I would pass out if I tried pushing so I was a planned c-section.
At 7:00 that night (August 24th 2007) the nurse started prepping me for surgery and brought me back to the OR for my spinal, which apparently worked a little too well because I was so numb I couldn't feel a single thing or even turn my head on my own. I started to feel like I couldn't breathe at all which my wonderful anesthetist assured me was normal. At 7:35 Madison Nicole was born weighing 6lbs 13oz and was 21 and a half inches long and she was screaming her head off. Once they had cleaned her up a bit and let me get a quick peek she and daddy headed to the nursery for her bath and my mom stayed with me. They finished sewing me up and moved me off the operating table and on to a gurney, which turned out to be a bad idea because my bp dropped big time. It went from 160/97 to 53/30 in about 10 minutes. After getting some medicine to raise it back up and hanging out in the OR for a while until they felt comfortable moving me again, Zach brought Madison into the recovery area for us to get to know each other. We spent 4 days in the hospital before we headed home to start our new life as a family of 3 and our life hasn't been the same since!
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