1. If you could be a fly on any wall, which would you choose?I have been trying to think of a good answer to this question and just can't think of anything really. The one thing that keeps coming up in my mind is that I would LOVE to be a fly on the wall backstage and a performance of Rent. Kinda cheesy I know, but I am a huge renthead so it is kind of fitting I guess.
2. Do you budget your Christmas shopping or just get it done without budgeting?I have ballpark budget. We have a ballpark budget, meaning I know about how much we can/will spend but if we go over by a little bit it's no big deal. I usually have a list of the things that we have decided the get for each person on our list so that helps too.
3. What is the craziest fad diet you have ever done?I've never really done any fad diets, because I know that even if you see results in the beginning from a fad diet, in most cases it won't last. My best friend and I tried some diet pills that we had seen at Walgreens earlier that day, but both stopped after one dose when my dad told us that the ingredients were basically the same thing as speed. I'm honestly not sure if that's true or not, but it sure scared us away from using them.
I am thinking about joining weight watchers, but don't really think of that as a fad diet.
4. Is there a TV show that you have seen every episode/season of?There are actually quite a few; Friends, Dawson's Creek, Gilmore Girls, Boy Meets World, Law and Order SVU, and 24. There's probably even more but seeing how many I have already listed, I feel like it seems like all I do every day is sit and watch TV.
I watched all of them when they were on the air(and still watch most of them in re-runs sometimes), but I also have each of those shows on DVD and have watched some or all of the episodes of a show when I have been in the hospital. They all made a hospital stay at least a little bit more tolerable.
5. What one song always pulls at your heart?The Christmas Shoes always makes me tear up a little. And recently any of the Veggie Tales praise and worship songs that Madison can now song all the words too. It is so cute hearing her sweet little voice start singing Thy Word, In the Secret, and I Could Sing of Your Love Forever. It totally melts my heart and brings a little tear to my eyes.
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