***Note-I started this a few weeks ago and am just finishing it up now***
Last week Madison and I were able to get out on many adventures together. First up was Color Me Mine, a studio where you go and paint ceramics and then they take care of everything else for you. Madison chose a cupcake where the top "frosting" comes off and she can put her treasures, and I painted a big mug. She had so much fun picking out her colors and painting it all. We were just able to go pick them up and I love how they turned out.

I love the chances that we have to get out of the house and do fun things that make lots of memories. Pretending to play circus or pedicure have become part of the norm around here, and she asks daily when we can go paint "ramics" again.
Working hard at painting her cupcake
Pretending to taste it!
The finished product!
After that we went to go get her first manicure and pedicure. I have been painting her toes since she was a baby, but this was the first time that she got to go have them done. She was so excited and loved putting her feet in the warm bubbly water and especially the flowers that they added. Unfortunately, she is like her mommy and nail polish comes off of her finger nails almost immediately after they are painted. The polish just peels off still intact, so I guess we will just have to stick to pedicures.
A few days later we were able to go to the circus while it was in town. She went last year with my husband and father-in-law and had a blast. This year she got to go with mommy and daddy and had a blast. We get there early so that she had plenty of time to do the fun stuff before the circus started. There were elephant rides, pony rides, face painting, a bouncy house, a big ride on train, and a place to take a picture with the clowns. She got to ride on the elephant once with each of us, go on a pony ride, and go in the bouncy house. The elephants were a huge hit, she would have rode on it all day long if we let her. She liked the animal acts the most, especially the tigers and elephants. She likes clowns from a distance, but when we walked up to one after the show she wanted nothing to do with him.