I decided it was probably time for my blogging hiatus to end. I always have such good intentions to blog many nights, but it never seems to happen. I guess I waste so much time trying to think of something interesting to post that I never actually get the post done. So my (late) New Years resolution is to be a better blogger, and by that I mean to post more frequently and to try and post more than just what we have done that day. So if anyone has suggestions or anything you are dying to know about me feel to let me know.

We had a wonderful Christmas together. We spent time this year thinking about what traditions we wanted to start as a family now that Madison is getting older. We spent a night decorating our tree together, made and decorated cookies for Santa, and let her open one present on Christmas Eve. We decided to get her a new pair of Christmas Jammies every year that she will be able to open the night before to wear to bed. Christmas Eve was really relaxed and we just hung around the house with my mom and dad and took it easy. Christmas morning we got up and opened our stockings as soon as little miss woke up and also showed her new playhouse downstairs since that was a little bit too big to take to Uncle Chris' apartment. I even took a short nap before getting ready to leave and it was wonderful! Once we got to his apartment we had dinner, opened gifts, decorated a few cookies that we saved to great gramma and uncle Chris could join in, and played with all of Madison's fun new stuff. The next day we were supposed to go celebrate with my dad's family but had a very unhappy little girl who wasn't feeling good. So I stayed home with her so that we could go get her ears looked at. 2 hours and an antibiotic later we were home. We still can not get these annoying ear infections to go away, but thats a whole nother post. Meanwhile here are a few pictures from Christmas.
Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas. Good Night!
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